Covid Safety Measures
Please Pay Online
Please book in advance and pay for your lessons online
Check Symptoms
Please let me know if you are experiencing symptoms. You will be able to cancel your lesson without penalty.
Wash Hands
Before leaving the house, please wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds
Car Sanitisation
The car will be sanitised before and after every lesson to reduce risks for both of us.
SMS Message
I will send you an SMS message rather than come to the door of your house.
Lesson plans and feedback will be given outside of the car subject to weather.
Hand Sanitiser
I will provide hand sanitiser for you to use before you get in the car, or you can use your own.
It is your choice whether to wear a face mask. Wear your own or I can provide a disposable one.
Avoid contact
Distancing is relaxed in the car, however I will mostly remain face forward whilst instructing.
Only guests from the same household will be allowed at this time.
Windows will be open at slower speeds to assist air-flow. No air conditioning.
All ok?
Let me know if you have any questions
Intensive Courses Are Safer
Getting yourself booked in for an intensive training course can be the safest way. The car will still be sanitised at the start and the end of the day and you and I will be the only people using the car.
Taking Your Test
I will be able to book and schedule your test, and the car will be sanitised and clean ready for you and the examiner.